DCLG has announced that 108 more communities are going to start working on their neighbourhood plans. The Communities Minister Bob Neill said “There has been enormous interest in neighbourhood planning and the large number of communities jumping at the chance to trial these new powers demonstrates the enthusiasm people have for this local approach to planning. For the first time communities will be in the driving seat and allowed to shape the way they want their area to develop instead of having a vision imposed upon them from above.”
The reality of course is the hard job of getting the community to engage in what can be a very dry process, and then getting the local council to let go and enable the community to deliver the local agenda. That’s a tough challenge in itself, but then at the end of it there has to be a referendum. But what should the referendum question be? And what happens if people don’t like one bit of the plan – does the whole plan have to fail? As yet no one has worked through the process far enough to discover what the answers to those questions should be, so we’re all the guinea pigs!
2MD is well placed to work with communities to help you through the neighbourhood planning process. Through the Positive Development Trust, Julian is delivering the process of consulting wth the local comnmunity and working up the neighbourhood plan proposals in Lynton and Lynmouth, one of the first 14 vanguards. And in Bristol 2MD has delivered the applauded Carriageworks Community Vision. So if you want to have a chat about how to deliver your neighbourhood plan, or would like us to come and help you, do get in touch!