Community Plan update for Lawrence Weston

We’re working with the wonderful people at Ambition Lawrence Weston to update their Community Plan.

Lawrence Weston Community Plan workshopIn March Julian facilitated a one day workshop for local residents and workers. We considered the achievements of the 2013 Plan, the five year context (which you can see on YouTube) and priorities for the local area. There was even a pub quiz on the results of the community survey.

We’re now doing lots of data crunching and preparing a draft of the updated plan. This will go for further consultation and ultimately adoption by Ambition.

Lawrence Weston – first step to Lottery funding

lawrence weston community hubLawrence Weston Community Hub has passed the first hurdle on its way to securing Lottery funding from the Reaching Communinities programme.

The funding will go towards the cost of providing community facilities in the building as well as management costs in the first few years.

Now it’s a matter of preparing the Stage 2 bid, and then the Stage 3 bid!

The bid writing is being done by the wonderful Helen Bone at Vivid Regeneration. We’re doing the work on the business plan (as well as overall project management).

About the Lawrence Weston Community Hub

Lawrence Weston Community Hub is a new building that will contain a range of services including health, social, economic and education for the community. It is a project being led by Ambition Lawrence Weston in partnership with the City Council and Ridingleaze Surgery. Planning permission was granted in December and we are now working on securing the funding package before moving to detailed design and construction.


Planning permission for Lawrence Weston Community Hub

Lawrence Weston Community HubResidents were celebrating today when it was finally confirmed that the Lawrence Weston Community Hub has been given planning permission.

The community hub will provide a much needed facility for the 7,000 residents of Lawrence Weston, a large estate on the north west side of Bristol close to Avonmouth docks and the M5.

Over the years the estate has lost many facilities.  When local development trust Ambition Lawrence Weston carried out research into a new community plan it became apparent that the health and wellbing of residents was suffering.  The idea to invest and replace much of the crumbling infrastructure was then born.

New GP Surgery

The Lawrence Weston Community Hub will be developed on part of the site previously occupied by the City of Bristol College. It will include a new GP surgery to replace the one on Ridingleaze, new clinical treatment rooms, a replacement library, a pharmacy, cafe, community rooms, nursery and office space for hire.

Lawrence Weston Community Hub elevations

The planning application was submitted in March but a decision was slowed down as clarification was sought on traffic impacts, noise impacts and replacement trees. Now that permission has been granted the decisions on capital funding can be made, especially by the City Council and NHSE.

Who’s involved in the Lawrence Weston Community Hub?

Ambition Lawrence Weston are leading the project in partnership with Bristol City Council and the GP Surgery / NHSE / CCG.  2MD are providing project management, working in collaboration with Vivid Regeneration who are leading on funding applications. The Lawrence Weston Community Hub has been designed by GCP architects.